Friday, November 1, 2013

Pre-Race Prep... or... Why Do I Keep Doing This To Myself?

Tomorrow is the Mendon Trail Run 50k. I signed up a couple months ago figuring I could piggyback one last long race off my Can Lake training. And at $27 (I've paid more than that for a 5k) it was a bargain I couldn't pass up!

A few nights ago, my husband, Little One and I were watching TV together when I wondered aloud to no one in particular if I could really do another 50k right now. Little One promptly replied with conviction, "If you want to, you can." Of course, she may have meant that she doesn't care if I'm not around all day but I'm going to interpret it as a vote of confidence from a wise little girl.

So, I'm all-in for one last ultra this year and now it's carbo-loading time, YAY! Here's my Paleo inspired breakfast with some oatmeal because I just miss the stuff so much!

sweet potato hash with spinach and soft boiled eggs,
avocado, pumpkin oatmeal and coffee with coconut milk

I worked a full day today. I was delightfully surprised to find breakfast pastries in honor of a director who is leaving the organization.

mid-morning snack
because the only time better to eat a chocolate chip muffin guilt-free is POST race
Then I had lunch with my husband at a local Japanese restaurant. Even though I'm not strictly Paleo at this time, I do favor rice over wheat for carbo-loading. And sushi is my absolute favorite food.
mmmm! Japanese is my favorite carbo-loading cuisine

Dinner will be a little gluten free pasta with tomato sauce to top off the glycogen take.

Now it's time to write out my clothing plan, charge the Garmin, pack my nutrition and get a good night's sleep! I'll be back in a few days with a race report.

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