Tuesday, October 29, 2013

my first week at Masters swim and a new weight training routine

I DID IT! I went to two Masters swim practices last week. Yay me!

Note: I did not say I did two Masters swim practices last week

Tuesday night they swam 3800+ yards. I stepped up to 1200. They did IM sets (front crawl, back crawl, breast stoke and butterfly, in some specific order that I don't know!) and I stuck to only front crawl. They used paddles, fins, kick boards and pull buoys. I don't own any training aids. They watched the clock and did their sets on specific intervals. I watched them in amazement.

Even though this workout seemed to turn out exactly like my solo trips to the Y, I did get a few pointers on what I can do to improve my efficiency and dedicated a few laps to focusing on some tweaks. That is exactly what I was hoping to get out of my first few workouts.

Thursday night I stuck with them a bit more. I shortened my own warm up then we did 10 x 50 stroke drills, a set of intervals with paddles, a set of front crawl intervals and I shortened my own cool down. I worked. Hard. And arrived home exhausted, starving, and so freaking motivated! With each drill, they explained to me what part of my stroke it was supposed to correct. I had a lot to focus on during every trip down the lane and I was reminded more than a few times to keep my head down, reach for the wall, rotate more, etc. I have a long way to go but I'm excited about it too.

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